Improve people´s social and labor conditions
- Individuelle
- à convenir individuellement
Arrabal’s mission is to improve people’s social and labour conditions, focusing on the most vulnerable and those with high risk of exclusion; giving them tools so that they can lead their own change process which will result in to a more egalitarian society.
Tâches du volontaire :
Working for social inclusion through guidance, training and social revitalization.
Volunteers will work with people, develop youth literacy programs, write new programs, conduct language workshops.
Volunteers will work for the full social and labour incorporation of people, through support actions and advocacy in the social environment.
Volunteers interested in the communication and social media management are also welcome
Profil recherché
Motivated young people
CALLE DOS ACERAS 23-25, 29012, MALAGA, SpainContact
Lia Kechagia 26293219