Le Gouvernement du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg

Volontariat en programmation et communication

Domaine : Travail social et éducatif
Programme : Service volontaire national

Organisation d’accueil :

Asteroid Foundation

Asteroid Foundation

Mission :

Adresse / pays :
9, rue du Laboratoire
L-1911 Luxembourg

durée : 3 - 6 mois
début : avril 2024
fin : juillet 2024
type de mission : Individuelle

Description de la mission :

Asteroid Day is a United Nations-sanctioned day of asteroid awareness and a programme of the Luxembourg-based Asteroid Foundation. Asterois Foundation organises educational events and brings scientists and astronauts to Luxembourg to promote asteroids, space and STEM awareness within the local community and beyond.

Tâches du volontaire :

  • Assist with the local event logistics and operations administration (file management, data verification and update)
  • Help with content creation and execution for website and social media
  • Offer hands-on support during the preparation of the events and at the events
  • Perform other related duties ass assigned

The volunteer will assist the Programme Manager in planning and implementation of the Foundation’s Asteroid Day educational events hosted in Luxembourg at the end of June and also will help with social media communication. This is an opportunity to work with an international team and learn more about event management, communications, and the subjects of asteroids and space. You will also have a chance to meet incredible people from our network – scientists and astronauts!

Profil recherché :

  • First work experience in an admin/assistant role
  • Experience with G-suite, Asana, WordPress
  • English and French proficiency
  • Responsible, detail oriented, excellent work ethic

Votre contact :

Maud Marocki
621 45 98 39