If you’d like to work with various young people (and possibly with some adults) and you care with passion about the environment and want to make this a better world, being an Education Officer could be for you. It’s a great role if you want to work in education, but outside the formal setting of a school or college.
Your main activity will be putting together programs of age-appropriate and curriculum-related activities. As part of our daily activities, we provide environmental-related
workshops to all our participants.
Tâches du volontaire :
You will work closely with groups of people (teenagers, young adults, or society groups) that come onto the site for educational trips, to promote the organization’s philosophy and build knowledge through a series of workshops. Learning outside the classroom can be a great way to engage young adults to understand and apply their learning in a real-world context.
Iceland is at the forefront of renewable energy production, and nearly every home in the country is supplied with heating and energy from renewable energy sources. According to the Environmental Performance Index, created by the World Economic Forum in 2012, Iceland is the world’s greenest country. This is one of the reasons volunteers choose this beautiful country for their volunteer program. During your stay, you will be researching this and many more topics…..
Your main activity is to develop a curriculum program for environmental education through talks, workshops, activities, courses, meetings, and visits. Update and maintain educational resources and materials. Provide workshops to the work camps remotely or on-site daily. All material created
during the program will be used by WF.
The work for the majority of the work camps depends on the weather conditions, when unsuitable to be outdoors, you will be requested to provide activities or workshops for the group.
Working as a team under the supervision of the Project Manager of the organization. You will travel around Iceland, as our houses are located in various sites across the island. We’re all about flexibility: we expect you to adapt to changes quickly, and we encourage you to try new things.
Working hours may vary depending on the work camps and the organization’s needs. However, you will have 2 days off per week. And will be able to discover Iceland’s unique sites.
When required by the organization you will be required to lead camps, welcome participants, and/ or explain the program to the groups.
Gesichten Profil
We are looking for enthusiastic, self-driven candidates who are able to work independently on projects and can bring and implement ideas and all-scale solutions to climate change reduction and sustainable lifestyles. Only open to participants with an Environmental Science background. A Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate level of English is required. Motivated to live with other international volunteers and lead a sustainable lifestyle and fight global warming. Excited to spend Five Months in Iceland. Outdoors personality; hiking, camping, swimming, etc,.
Veraldarvinir - Worldwide Friends (WF)
Þingasel 7, 109, reykjavik, IcelandKontakt
Elena Koroglanoglou
elena.koroglanoglou@snj.lu +352 621 394 907