Association IKS was established in 2003 with the objective of community development in a post-war region, empowerment of community members, especially those discriminated, socially isolated and otherwise marginalised.
The projet is called “Puppet theatre” and it is a project designed to deliver civic education among children. Topics of tolerance, gender equality, human rights and solidarity are especially important for children in a post war community like Petrinja.
Volunteers will be sharing a flat.
Tâches du volontaire :
- Making puppets:Volunteers will be in charge of designing and sewing new puppets. In a puppet studio, they will make the puppets by cutting the fabric and sewing it with help of existing cardboard cuts.
- Writing scripts and preparing puppet shows and workshops about human rights, with emphasis on multiculturality and gender equality. The scripts need to be adjusted for the age of children and educative, with clear morals of the story, but also arouse interest and make children ask any questions they have on the topics.
- Preparing and conducting workshops and puppet shows for children promoting tolerance,solidarity, with emphasis on breaking stereotypes and prejudice.
- Making short films about puppets and Europeea Solidarity Corps
- Promoting volunteering and and Erasmus+: Volunteers will promote volunteering and Erasmus+ programme in the community by everyday communication with local volunteers and wide range of young people, informing them of possibilitiesof mobility. They will write articles for associations webpage and Facebook page about their life inPetrinja and their EVS, appear in the media and be an important part of the community. Also, theywill play an important role in our Association’s “Info centre for youth” through which they will visitelementary schools, high schools and university in Petrinja and Sisak – Moslavina county.
Gesichten Profil
Interested young people will be asked to fill an application form. In this document the volunteers can talk about themselves, their strengths, weakness, needs, motivation.
Udruga za promicanje informatike, kulture i suživota
TURKULINOVA 9, 44250, PETRINJA, CroatiaKontakt
Lia Kechagia 26293219