On the Move!
This project has various locations and the allocation will depend on the organizations needs and availability.
The workcamp leaders will work as a team under the supervision of the Project Manager of the organization. They will be involved in preparing, organizing, running, and
evaluating Nature-oriented, Educational, and Environmental Protection Projects in Iceland.
Tasks: coordinate the work, organize house schedule, and leisure activities, shop, supervise cooking sessions and plan excursions. Organize Workshops. Apart from these additional responsibilities, you will participate in general activities as volunteers. In each group, there are two or three leaders from the organization. Projects are organized with international volunteers
Main Project Activities: Beach Cleaning, Forestry, Agriculture, Creative Art, Recycle & Renovation. The main goal of this project is to improve the environmental education and consciousness of the project’s participants.
Please note that this project is a learning/exchange project where everyone is expected to contribute their own knowledge and experience, and not a standard work camp.
Tâches du volontaire :
Our primary activity is organizing environmental-related projects where people coming from different countries perform voluntary work. In organizing them, much emphasis has been put on making sure the volunteers see that their work is important, they help a community in need, or they work for the protection of the environment. In the meantime, they form a community and get in close contact with locals as well as with other participants of the project from different cultures and nationalities.
In this project, the leaders will organize and run programs for both short-term/long-term volunteers.
The work will depend on weather conditions, which is why we must be flexible. You should be prepared for unfriendly weather, as they say: if you don’t like the Icelandic weather, just wait 5 minutes it might change.
You will also run a workshop where we will recycle the plastic that we find at the coastline. As a leader you will have to plan/organize Workshops, giving a special focus on Global Warming, it can also be about other Environmental issues.
At the beginning of their stay, you will receive qualified training from the organization’s staff members. This training will capacitate you to perform the Projects´ activities, which vary from Beach Cleaning, Planting trees, and Environmental-related tasks and Renovation work. At the same time, leaders will receive guidance on how to plan, organize and lead the projects, including topics such as group management, conflict resolution, communication skills, leadership roles, intercultural cooperation, motivation, etc.
Within the project, we will learn about green energy, sustainable householding, waste treatment, nutrition, the effects of consumption, and lots more. If you want to change something, develop solutions, or inspire others, you have to understand the issues and tasks first. Take part in this promising project and spring into action against climate change!
Gesichten Profil
Desired Profile: +22 years old. Course of studies: Education in the field of Sustainability or Environmental science.
A driving license is required.
Working hours; 5 to 7 hours per day of environmental work during the weekdays. With lunch and coffee breaks. Note: working hours may vary depending on the workcamps and the organization’s needs. 2 days off per week.
Linguistic skills: A Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate level of English is required. Other languages are seen as an advantage.
Technical skills: MS Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook), Google Drive (Docs, Sheets, Forms, Slides), Spreadsheets (Excel, Google Sheets)
Skills and competencies: Our leaders have to be Positive and Highly Motivated. Self-initiative and Organizational skills are a must. Time-management skills and ability to work under time pressure during high peaks of the season.
Veraldarvinir - Worldwide Friends (WF)
Þingasel 7, 109, reykjavik, IcelandKontakt
Elena Koroglanoglou
elena.koroglanoglou@snj.lu +352 621 394 907