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Le Gouvernement du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg

InCo – Molfetta is a no-profit association, born at unformal level in 2013. The members decided to settle down a new local organization in Apulia in order to provide local youngsters the same opportunities as they had benefitted. The aim of the association is to promote and support mobility abroad, contacts, exchanges and meetings at international level; to promote mutual tolerance and intercultural sensitivity among young people and adults; to support the unformal process of European integration in our community.

The volunteer has the chance choose one of the several projets that are organised by the organization in Italy. Incoweb. All of them aim to provide to participants a lifelong learning impact through the acquisition of new skills. Since this is a life experience, participants will have the opportunity to develop personal, interpersonal and professional attitudes.

Volunteers will be sharing a flat.

Tâches du volontaire :

The tasks are depending on the project and the final choise of the volunteer.

Liste of projects:

1 – Villaggio SOS Ostuni   , work activity in a village with kids facing family problems

2 – Associazione “Appoggiati a me”   , work activities with autistic youths, leasure time and learning activities

3 – Scuola Battisti-Ferraris Bisceglie  work activities with students 10-13 years old

4 – Comune di Molfetta    work activity in the municipality of Molfetta

5 – Comune di Bitonto, work activity in the municipality of Bitonto

6 – Associazione InCo-Molfetta   , work activity in InCo office regarding youth mobility, non-formal learning and EU cooperation

Profil recherché

The projects are open to any volunteer, selected in a fair, transparent and objective way, regardless of their ethnic group, religion, sexual orientation, political opinion, etc. No previous qualifications, educational level, specific experience or language knowledge have been required to participate in this project. It is therefore required the volunteers to be over 18, be motivated in spending a long learning period abroad, be committed for the whole duration of the project, willing to learn italian.


Culture, Engagement pour la paix, Travail social et éducatif


Lia Kechagia 26293219

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