Le Gouvernement du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg

“Hand in Hand 4 a Better Europe”

Domaine : Culture, Travail social et éducatif
Programme : Service volontaire européen

Organisation d’accueil :

American International School of Transylvania

American International School of Transylvania

Mission :

Adresse / pays :
Baia Mare Romania

durée : < 2 mois
début : à convenir
fin : à convenir
type de mission : En groupe

Description de la mission :

Volunteering teams project, at least 10 in-country & cross-border volunteers, for up to maximum 59 service days:

Team # 1, AUTUMN: October  – December 2024

Team # 2, WINTER btw January – February 2025

Team # 3, SPRING March – APRIL 2025

Team # 4 SUMMER, btw MAY  – JUNE 2024

Team # 5 SUMMER, btw July – August 2025

Tâches du volontaire :

Our project takes place in the city Baia Mare & other rural and urban communities, within AIST & local partner premises.

Topics: inclusion & equality, empowering communities, participation & involvement, participatory democracy, rights & equity, social justice.

Activities & events are contributing to creating open, caring and creative communities, belonging to their citizens. How: several youth mobilities, both on-line and face-2-face activities, with diverse target groups: primary, secondary, to students.

When: several start dates: TEAM “short term” up to maxium 59 days project, with groups of 10 young people from all over Europe, youth learn to plan, assist in & implement activities of non-formal education, focusing on key European values, social inclusion and sustainable development of various beneficiaries, from both urban & rural communities, in the county of Maramures, Transylvania, north-western part of Romania

Profil recherché :

Volunteers should be over 18 years old, primarily with fewer opportunities, and need to be interested in learning & personal development, enjoy working with kids & youth, be open and tolerant to other cultures. Flexibility is required, as you’ll work in a multicultural environment as part of an international team. Being responsible, positive, energetic, communicative & a basic level of English is desirable to ease communication during project activities & within the international project team of staff & volunteers.

Votre contact :

Elena Koroglanoglou
+352 621 394 907